Responsible town
This section considers how the future Hamilton can enshrine and project the shared values of the town in response to the climate emergency (achieving carbon neutrality, increasing density, repurposing) and in ensuring the town centre is accessible, safe and welcoming for all.
Repurpose and Repair
The buildings within Hamilton town centre have a role in responding to the climate emergency.
In 2023 the National Planning Framework 4 was adopted by Scottish Ministers. NPF4 recognises the value of regeneration to transform our urban places and improve wellbeing.
The masterplan has been developed in line with the overarching spatial principles of NPF4 including:
Just Transition: Empower people to shape their places and ensure the transition to net zero is fair and inclusive.
Conserve and Recycle Assets: Make productive use of existing buildings, places, infrastructure and services, locking in carbon and minimising waste.
The masterplan explores opportunities to retain and repurpose existing buildings within the town centre, however, where new development might better achieve the (environmentally) more impactful ambition of increased density and inhabitation or more positive impact on streetscape then this approach is proposed.
A number of opportunities for repurposing have been identified through analysis of their contribution to the streetscape and suitability for adaptive reuse. Two key examples have been identified and explored:
Former M&S Building
Former Baird's Building
Opportunities to ‘Green’ the Town Centre
With the Exception of Cadzow Glen, there is a lack of green space within the heart of Hamilton town centre. The masterplan promotes biodiversity and flood resilience in an inventive way that provides quality greened urban space for the community.
Streets and spaces are softened by the introduction of trees and planting and the creation of a new ‘Urban Park’ on Castle Street will transform the look and feel of the town centre.
New blue/green infrastructure is proposed throughout the town centre in the form of rain gardens and bioretention tree planters to remove surface water from the combined sewer network.
A Welcoming and Inclusive Town Centre
Accessibility and Inclusivity
The streets and spaces of Hamilton need to feel safe and welcoming to people of all ages and abilities, accessible to those who use a wheelchair, mobility aid or walking stick and cater to families, friends, carers and assistance dogs.
The masterplan recognises this and has incorporated places for groups to sit together, shelter and children’s play, alongside the provision of accessible and free to use public welfare amenities.
Learning and Play for All Ages
The proposed Castle Street urban park and new space at the heart of the Regent Centre redevelopment, provide intergenerational spaces with activities suitable for all ages and that benefit from direct sunlight to promote health and wellbeing, while also offering natural or built shade structures.
Safety and Security
The masterplan seeks to make the town centre safer through the introduction of greater levels of evening activity at street level thanks to a combination of a strengthened evening economy and a significant increase in the residential population. New residents will also provide passive surveillance of the streets and spaces from their homes, reducing the incentive for antisocial behaviour. The study also recommends improvements to street lighting to improve visibility.